extension property is pretty constraining, because...
# android
extension property is pretty constraining, because you may want to pass callback, transformations etc. With function, you can make parameters with default values but with property you are done
👍 1
true, I was just thinking of a global way to do this
Also, something like this:
Copy code
data class LoadedImage(val url: String, val fallback: Int = 0) {
    companion object {
        operator fun invoke(url: String, config: LoadedImage.() -> Unit) =
        val LOADED_IMAGE_ID = View.generateViewId()

var ImageView.image: LoadedImage
    get() = getTag(LoadedImage.LOADED_IMAGE_ID) as LoadedImage
    set(value) {
        setTag(LoadedImage.LOADED_IMAGE_ID, value)
This let’s you move the logic out of the core code and if decide to move to another loading library don’t have to change the whole app. And a bit more convenient than using injection 😉