If you need a lot of logic to bind your view holde...
# android
If you need a lot of logic to bind your view holder, where do people usually put it?
in presenter i guess
btw, what kind of logic do you mean?
Like, for instance I want to ellipsis text if it's more than 500 characters, and check what the time before printing a date, so I can format it better. My viewholder just seems to be getting longer and longer
I’d consider preparing the data once, instead of computing it every time for every item during bind, making the binding simple again
Interesting... Like if it was ellipsising the text would I put the whole array through a function that checked for textsize etc..
formatting date and ellipsising text is a view logic you can keep it in a viewholder, just avoid heavy computating operations in bind method as @arekolek mentioned
👍 Thank you