Hi guys, I’ve got a problem with Kotlin, which inv...
# android
Hi guys, I’ve got a problem with Kotlin, which involves generics. Stick with me though 😉. I have a below generic interface:
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interface RecyclerItem<in T : RecyclerView.ViewHolder> {

    fun onBindViewHolder(holder: T?)
Generic is defined as
because clearly
is a consumer, hence I can only assign this instance to its subtype. I also have a below implementations of `RecyclerItem`:
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class ItemSuncalcData() : RecyclerItem<ItemSuncalcData.ViewHolder>
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class SomeOtherItem() : RecyclerItem<SomeOtherItem.ViewHolder>
Long story short I want to store above two instances in a
, but because of
in T
I can’t assign subclasses to its supertypes. What’s my best move here? I’ve written same code in java and only got unchecked cast warning. The only way I could think of was to remove generics from the interface:
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interface RecyclerItem {

    fun onBindViewHolder(holder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder?)
But before I’ll change 15+ files (because of casting I would have to make) I wanted to ask you first, thanks in advance 😉 Take a look at this github repo I made showcasing my problem above: https://github.com/matdziu/GenericsKotlin. You can switch between two commits - one that uses generic way (compilation error in MainActivity) and the second which is the solution I think I found. Note that on production we’re using multiple different item types and factory pattern to choose a proper view holder (this sample is just a huge simplification).
Have you tried
yes, didn’t work
could you look at my sample and confirm?
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class RecyclerView{
    interface ViewHolder

interface RecyclerItem<in T : RecyclerView.ViewHolder> {
     fun onBindViewHolder(holder: T?)

class ItemTextView : RecyclerItem<ItemTextView.ViewHolder> {

    override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: ViewHolder?) {}

    class ViewHolder : RecyclerView.ViewHolder {}

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val list = mutableListOf<RecyclerItem<*>>()
    println(list.size) // prints 1