The reason I think the issue is around stub genera...
# android
The reason I think the issue is around stub generation, is because if I declare an empty interface (even if it is in kotlin), make the dao interface extend this empty interface and only reference the empty interface in the dagger module method signatures, I don’t get an error
nemi: are you just using kapt, or do you
apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt'
hey Lovis, I’m using kotlin-kapt
ok. and do you use
kapt { generateStubs true }
? because that’s basically “forbidden” for kapt3
nope, not using it
you’re not using the
modifier by any chance? because that means “in module only”
I have this “something with kapt doesn’t work” check list, but maybe I need to add a new point to it, since it doesn’t work for you:
If I don’t reference the interface spit out by the annotation processor in the dagger module, everything compiles. So I really think that the stubs are not generated. If I add another module to the project on which the AP runs and I consume the generated classes in the APP module everything is fun
fun -> fine
does 1.3.2 fix your issue? it says it fixes ? “Syntax error while generating kapt stubs”
I am using 1.1.3-2, but it’s all the same unfortunately
sorry I couldn’t help 😞 maybe file a bug
No worries, thank you for your time!. I have raised a bug in parallel but did not get any answer that really moves things forward. For the time being I can work around the issue easily in a way that’s not hacky but it might make things more difficult in the long run.