Hi, I have a doubt, How do we call an interface me...
# android
Hi, I have a doubt, How do we call an interface method in fragment from parent activity in kotlin. When I try to do that it says the interface object must be initialised
Please share code example
I created an interface in mainactivity
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interface onProductsChangedListner{
        fun updateProductList(products:List<Product>)
and implemented the same in a fragment
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class GalleryFragment: Fragment(),MainActivity.onProductsChangedListner {
    override fun updateProductList(products: List<Product>) {
        this.products = products
How do i call the interface methods from main activity?
When i try to create an object of interface class, kotlin says it must be initialised. It is not required in java right?. So what should i do?
How do you call method from activity?
I tried doing this
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var productChangedListner: onProductsChangedListner
but it says productChangedListner must be initialised
But looks like you try to access the same property that initializing (also, where is equals between type and assignment)
Where is fragment in this assignment?
Im implementing the interface in fragment
And? Maybe could you just post screenshot from your IDE with error message and your code. Because your code snippet above is just syntactically wrong
I figured it out. I guess it was syntactically wrong. Thank you for pointingthat out