Find new Job :smile:
# android
Find new Job 😄
👍 7
K 21
oleksandr.samsonov: it is not easy to change job 😁
@thatsmoodi I write my own project now. Hopefully they will allow me to continue current project write on Kotlin. But no body stop you to practice yourself.
Fire a CTO 🙂
👍 7
oleksandr.samsonov: that was funny though 😂
@oleksandr.samsonov I practice Kotlin but you know doing a core project educate you more
Start from writing unit tests in kotlin and CTO shouldn’t forbid you to do it since it’s not in production source code.
👍 3
It's pretty reasonable for CTOs not accept anything new unless it's confirmed that it does benefit development process. Since we're talking android, I'd suggest haggling to let you write some parts of your project in Kotlin. Kotlin does have annotations that help calling Kotlin code from Java and is fully interpolable with it. The only problem would be Java 8 features if you're developing for <5 devices.
👍 2
I'd suggest taking a look at this part of this talk about ways to potentially sell Kotlin to your organization:

Also too, in many organizations I believe there will be a reluctance to adopting Kotlin immediately because the supply of Kotlin developers is substantially smaller than that of Java. So if an organization has one (or maybe two) developers who start writing in Kotlin and those developers leave, the organization is going to have a really hard time finding other Kotlin developers to replace them. Or, they'll have to get them trained first before they can be completely productive in Kotlin which will slow the development process down.
I think it's going to take a few years before there's an ample supply of experienced Kotlin developers available to make a transition to using Kotlin less risky for most businesses.


also worth making sure he knows that it is officially 3rd language, supported by google.share the jake wharton doc with the cto.
also worth saying. your CTO probobly shouldn’t be micromanging you like that, you may want to think about leaving.
you can also mention the many companies using it in production (pinterest, trello, basecamp, many others)
also for banks, which is usually a conservative sector
capital one is using it as well