why not a factory method to return null when neces...
# android
why not a factory method to return null when necessary instead?
menegatti: Can you elaborate on what you mean by that?
well, have a companion object with a method that takes the json and returns null in case it's not valid
I don't think data classes have a really good way of achieving what you're trying to do by themselves
To extend on your point for a companion object, why not a function instead that massages the json and return null if not valid?
If not a data class, then what?
I mean, you would still use a data class
but a method will work on the instance itself and validating the json should be a step before, don't you agree?
meaning... you verify whether or not it is a valid json and then decide on whether you should create an instance of the data class or not
so it seems like a case where I would use a static (companion object) factory method that takes a json and returns your class in case the json is valid, null otherwise
I see where you’re getting at now. Interesting, never thought of that. Will give it a shot.
Have you personally never encountered such cases before though?
OR, alternatively we could make the constructors throw an exception, no?
yes, definitely
Noted, thanks Edson!
also you could let the json do its magic
and after parsing you just filter out the instances that don't pass a certain validation, does that make sense?
Haha, I thought of that too actually
if you wanna go very clean about it, have an interface like
with a method
or something, and filter out by the return of validate, but then it's a matter of taste
constructors throwing exceptions are bad style. I support the suggestion for a factory method.
Kotlin's nullability language features lend themselves very well for early returns:
Copy code
fun create(json: JosnObject): MyClass? {
    val id = json.opt("id") ?: return null
    return MyClass(id, foo, bar, ...)