I use this library usually for permission <https:/...
# android
I use this library usually for permission https://github.com/tbruyelle/RxPermissions And please notice that you can get the memory leaks


So, my recommendation is to use Android Architecture Components instead of MVP https://medium.com/proandroiddev/android-architecture-components-cb1ea88d3835
ihor.kucherenko: In the article you wrote this architecture makes the code testable, but I can't see any tests in your GitHub. Looking at the code makes me feel it won't be easily testable. Can you show how it's testable?
😍 4
Please, watch the movie to get watch I mean
Yes, I can. I will add some tests to demonstrate it
@ihor.kucherenko I'm working in is small app with 4 screens and I don't think that add a whole library is a wise thing to do because the code in the presenter class that handle with Android preferences has 30 lines more or less and I don't have strong reasons to apply this kind of change.
Unfortunately the preferences API depends on activities objects but the majority of that code just do logic processing, so why should I move this code out of presenter and put him in to the view? Just to avoid pass context out of the activity?
Yes. Also please notice, that Presenter with code from Android sdk isn't good