do you have any ideas? : )
# android
do you have any ideas? : )
pawel.rybicki: It seems that you can’t use the placeholder for the package in the manifest. Just like the error says. Why do you think it should be possible despite the error message?
Cuz I could swear that I did it in the past! : )
it was long time ago so either it was possible and they changed something or I just got my mind fked : P
Previously the application id was retrieved from the manifest. Later on (long time ago, though) it was changed so that package in manifest is only sort of base package for the components. So you can write e.g.
instead of
in the Manifest. It wouldn’t make much sense to modify manifests package based on application id. The upside is that now application id in gradle is exactly the package under which your app is installed on the device