if i was gonna get started on android dev, any rec...
# android
if i was gonna get started on android dev, any recommendations on a good cheap device to start out with? something with gps at least...
depends on how cheap you’re talking
i was hoping for cheaper than that, dunno if it's possible to get something decent for $20 - $30
that price point is gonna be a little rough
could probably find a used prepaid phone
cool.. thanks
👍 1
could potentially find a free one on facebook, most of the nerds I know tend to have a graveyard of old technology
just ask around
it's worth noting too.. emulators are pretty good for most android dev, and free 😉 either the emulators bundled with android studio, or a 3rd party like genymotion
you can at least spoof the gps
👍 thanks!