Might I ask how you guys use a logging framework i...
# android
Might I ask how you guys use a logging framework in code that has to be unit tested? Standard Android Log. provokes the not mocked exception.
Just for clarification: Its a singleton and you can switch out the logging function if necessary? So before each test you would do that and in production code it defaults to the firebase implementation?
Yes, although this is more for functional tests.
That's very smart! Thank you for sharing that!
Works with everything really. Retrofit interfaces, GPS or even facebook login button (if you wrap your head around how to create a provider for that).
For unit tests I'd recommend natural dependency inversion tho.
I rarely log stuff, but for testing analytics events calls are made, it's good.
Its just amazing what you can do with functions in kotlin, storing a function in a property is just so science fiction if you come from java 6. And for logging: the same. Since I learned automated testing there is no need for it in my app - but the use case for logging mght arise somewhere. So its good to know (thank you for that!)
In my case, I use slf4j + timber for app, simplelogger for unittests. While you can inject logger, with slf4j you usually use static factory method:
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companion object {
        private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BaseActivity::class.java.simpleName)
After that it can be used as usual:
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logger.debug("onCreate() called with: savedInstanceState = [{}]", savedInstanceState)