Hi, is anyone here contributing to any open source...
# android
Hi, is anyone here contributing to any open source Android project that uses Kotlin?
louiscad: I do from time to time to this one: https://github.com/elpassion/android-commons
Mostly to espresso module.
I’ve got these tiny libs: https://github.com/Miha-x64/SearchableSpinner is actually a fork, initially was in Java https://github.com/Miha-x64/Validation
I also have a small lib going here: https://github.com/hextremelabs/android-pinpad
Of course, I have one library too here: https://github.com/LouisCAD/Splitties It's a general purpose library, split in multiple modules (hence the name) so you include only those you need. Could you folks give me some feedback on it, tell me if it may be useful to you, or not? I'm looking forward collaboration to improve it further
Hi, my android app is open source and completely written in Kotlin https://github.com/mpcjanssen/simpletask-android