Quick poll: How do you currently package your clas...
# android
Quick poll: How do you currently package your classes? 1️⃣ vertically, i.e. classes interacting with each other together, e.g.: https://jakubn.gitlab.io/keepitclean/#29 2️⃣ by type, i.e. all activities in one package, all presenters in another, etc., e.g.: https://jakubn.gitlab.io/keepitclean/#27 3️⃣ I'm hardcore an put everything in one package! e.g.: https://jakubn.gitlab.io/keepitclean/#28 4️⃣ Differently / I'm not sure
4️⃣ 1
2️⃣ 6
1️⃣ 30
@deviant Would you like to say something more about your way?
"i'm not sure" 🙂 actually i dont like all of them, but still use some mix of #1 and #2
I guess there is no perfect way of doing that. File system / packages require hierarchy and something like tagging would likely work better.
👍 2