Oh man, It makes me so sad we are stuck with that ...
# android
Oh man, It makes me so sad we are stuck with that in AOSP
brianwernick: I wouldn't say it's a big deal.
Not even a problem that some app developers like to copy `m`s without thinking too much what's the reason behind it.
It isn’t really, I’m just being overly dramatic 🙂
I like to read AOSP code and I was always wondering if there were any discussions regarding the quality of the code.
Like going from thousands lines of code per file on average to hundreds.
Yeah, I have quite a few complaints about the organization (or lack thereof) of the AOSP source. In addition to a few other complaints such as their
annotated methods, etc.
Still the code is better than what developers from other companies do with it. I had a chance to work on Phone app for Samsung R&D. Compared activity classes with AOSP. 6k lines vs 14k lines and a lot of mess added.
It was a few years ago, so might be much worse now 😉
Haha. I’ve had some pretty bad experiences with foreign devs as well (and a few good ones).
I’ve actually seen similar coding standards from people that go through the 3 week -> 2 month coding schools; as typically no focus is given on code quality or organization
This is what you learn after years of doing things the wrong way, when they bite and slow you down...
Or months if you are lucky and have a good mentor, who I, sadly, didn't have.
Yeah, I was on the same boat; I didn’t have a good mentor for organization (or maybe it was that I jumped teams every few weeks) until about 2 years in to my career. Relearning a lot of things was somewhat difficult
@brianwernick There is a reasoning behind the code organization, and it was actually reorganized a few times, but things evolve and the team is now a couple orders of magnitude larger than 10 years ago and it’s hard to enforce everything. Esp. since in the end the goal is to ship a product
The same applies to things like
, they are usually necessities born from practical realities that needed a solution
The broad organization of the source doesn’t bother me too much, what does bother me is the organization within a file (specifically in the support libraries). In other areas they make methods private that aren’t doing anything magical (which makes extending to workaround a bug impractical). The
annotation is even worse, they have public methods but don’t let you build against them (I don’t hit that one often, but it’s quite irritating when I do)
You might be underestimating the cost and burden of maintaining a public API
While I wish we had made more APIs public, I am also grateful we @hid many, many of them
It’s always easier to make them public later than the other way around
I have multiple open source libraries so I do understand the cost and burden of that