Hello, I try to use <ki-shell> but no matter what ...
# getting-started
Hello, I try to use ki-shell but no matter what I do, when I execute my code I get the following error:
Copy code
ki-shell 0.4.6-SNAPSHOT/1.6.21
type :h for help
[0] :dependsOn <my library here>
[1] some.package.test()
ERROR Class 'some.package.TestKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (Line_2.kts:1:15)
I even tried to compile a custom version of ki-shell with Kotlin 1.6.21 but nothing changed. My project is also compiled using Kotlin 1.6.21. May I ask what triggers the "pre-release" property of a compiled class? Thanks.
@ephemient, that was it, thanks a lot!