I have a two-level hierarchy with a root and one o...
# getting-started
I have a two-level hierarchy with a root and one or more children. Each of these children have a list of elements they need to track, and I'd like also to have somehow a "root" list in the root that incorporates all the children lists. Is there a (easy/stdlib) way to have just the root list and then each child simply manages a subset/view of this list (removing/adding)? Ps: no synch problems, everything is serial
something in the direction of `subList`(here) but I guess if the root or the first child modifies the list, then I have to update indices for all the other children..
if the children are immutable, sure. if they are mutable you will have to define your requirements more specifically
Copy code
val child = object : AbstractCollection() {
    override val size get() = root.count { isChild }
    override fun iterator() = root.filter { isChild }.iterator()
each child has a consequential view on the (root) list, ie the first [0-10], the secon [11-40], etc
I had the same issue when I had some sealed class which was viewed by the root and the implementations managed by its children. depending on your usage combination: • root view, child view • root view, child mutate • root mutate, child mutate • root mutate, child view there are different solutions. if you have root view and child mutate, you can simply have root be a value that on every request returns a new list based on the children. You can make it better by defining your own concatenation iterator
i have the worst I guess, root mutate, child mutate
what needs to happen when root adds? Just add it to the final sublist?
atm I'm leaning toward a
map<name, ArrayList>
on the root containing the corresponding children lists and then forwarding the methods I need
if the root exposes a MutableList, you'll have to figure out what to do with insertions and removals at any index and before or after any listiterator
if it's a MutableCollection, then you "only" have to figure out what to with removals before any mutableiterator and additions to the whole collection
do I understand correctly that each child is defined as an index range of the root list? Thus, a list of items and a list (or map if children are not identified by index) of IntRange would do the trick?