I have got two APIs A and B such that only one may...
# getting-started
I have got two APIs A and B such that only one maybe active at a time but not both. I wanted to determine which type I am connected to by making two parallel calls to their respective APIs and select the first successful one. I tried using select expression with a timeout of 15 seconds. Is this a good way to achieve such a thing?
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// The api I am working with is blocking and throws an error if not connected 
        suspend fun determineType(): Type?  {
            var type: Type? = null
            withTimeoutOrNull(15.seconds) {
                while (type == null) {
                    select<Unit> {
                        async {
                            runInterruptible(<http://Dispatchers.IO|Dispatchers.IO>) {
                                kotlin.runCatching { apiA.typeA }.getOrNull()
                        }.onAwait {
                            if (it != null) {
                                make = it
                        async {
                            runInterruptible(<http://Dispatchers.IO|Dispatchers.IO>) {
                                kotlin.runCatching { apiB.typeB }.getOrNull()
                        }.onAwait {
                            if (it != null) {
                                type = it
            return type
I would think you should cal
before the select and the while, and then just do the
inside the select. This is for flows, but it should give you a pattern to follow. https://proandroiddev.com/implement-race-amb-operator-with-kotlin-coroutines-flow-a59f17997b67
Arrow has a raceN operator that would satisfy your usecase (and cancel the loser)
I think I came up with this at the end
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    suspend fun determine() = coroutineScope {
      var type: Type? = null
      val jobs =
          listOf(apiA, apiB).map {
            async(<http://Dispatchers.IO|Dispatchers.IO>) {
              runInterruptible {
                kotlin.runCatching { it.callApi() }.getOrNull()
      whileSelect {
        onTimeout(15.seconds) { false }
        jobs.forEach { deferred ->
          deferred.onAwait {
            it?.let {
              type = it
                ?: true
          .also { coroutineContext.cancelChildren() }
if they both fail, that code will wait 15 seconds regardless
I think it would be easier to use something like
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suspend fun Iterable<() -> Unit>.indexOfSuccess() = mapIndexed { i, block ->
    flow {
        runInterruptible {
        }.onSuccess { emit(i) }

withContext(<http://Dispatchers.IO|Dispatchers.IO>) {
    withTimeoutOrNull(15_000) {
        listOf(apiA::callApi, apiB::callApi).indexOfSuccess()
Faced something similar in the past. Every bit of coroutine fuu I had did not work because the
part in my case was not-interruptible. I think I had to resort to something (horrible) as running the
in a different scope, because cancel will detach a scope immediately.