<#C0B8MA7FA|getting-started> - I am new to Kotlin ...
# getting-started
#getting-started - I am new to Kotlin and trying to absorb as much as possible. I have a requirement where I have a Multi-Level List that I need to parse up to 4 levels. List<List<List<List<String>>>>. The typical way would be using 4 for loops and keep iterating, but I am looking for a smarter Kotlin way of doing it. Could you guys please help me get there?
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for(a in As){
    for(b in Bs){
        for(c in Cs){
            for(d in Ds){
Another train of thought I have is to use flatMap() to flatten the last loop and drop the loops from 4 to 3. But there too, am getting beaten up by Kotlin syntax. Any help is appreciated! TIA 🙂 EDIT: Sturcture is of complex type in nature:
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data class A(
    val b: List<B>
data class B(
    val c: List<C>
data class C (
    val d: List<D>
data class D(
    val string1: List<String>,
    val string2: String
🙂 1
Definitely a gross data structure, but you can call
multiple times to reduce the list down to a single
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val deeplyNestedList: List<List<List<List<String>>>> = TODO()
val flatList: List<String> = deeplyNestedList
I'd go a bit further and say that if you're iterating, you should do so over the sequence,
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for (x in deeplyNestedList.asSequence().flatten().flatten().flatten()) {
which avoids constructing all the partially-flattened lists along the way
@Casey Brooks, can't agree more! Worst DS till date. My Bad! @Casey Brooks & @ephemient Structure is of complex nature - data class object. Parsed via JSON API call:
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data class A(
    val b: List<B>
data class B(
    val c: List<C>
data class C (
    val d: List<D>
data class D(
    val string1: List<String>,
    val string2: String
Will update the query too. Any suggestion for this type of structure?
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for ((string1, string2) in listOfA.asSequence().flatMap { it.b }.flatMap { it.c }.flatMap { it.d }) // ...
@ephemient, tried it but getting the following error:
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Type inference failed:

fun <T, R> Sequence<T>.flatMap
    transform: (T) → Sequence<R>
: Sequence<R>
cannot be applied to

        receiver: Sequence<A>?
        (A) → List<B>?
do you think there is a way out of here? If not, could you point me to more relevant documentation?
where is the nullable coming from, you don't have that in your question
but Kotlin has an
extension on collections
data classes definitions are defined with type ?
Yes, in vanilla for() I used: for(a in As.orEmpty)
well you can do that in
Yes, still got the same error.
make a real example, then. because what I said does work. https://pl.kotl.in/DQ9EDl_js
do you mind checking the URL you shared, I added a piece right below it.
changes are not shared. you need to create another URL
@ephemient, shared a link. Let me know if it makes sense.