Is there a standard lib function that takes an `It...
# getting-started
Is there a standard lib function that takes an
and returns true if and only if all items return the same value for a given lambda? I don't care what the value is. I know I can just apply lambda to first item and then use
Iterable.all {}
but I was wondering if there was a nicer way.
I don’t know about any stdliib function, but maybe something like
yourList.distinctBy { getResult(it) }.size == 1
Yeah, but that would require all items to be iterated.
Well that’s true. You have to iterate over the items in order to get the lambda’s value for each item.
If you only want to find out if they are all the same, then if the first two are different, then you don't need to calculate the others.
I'd do it with zipWithNext(), the comparisons are lazy as long as you work with a sequence
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yourList.asSequence().map{ applyLambda(it) }.zipWithNext().any{ (a,b) -> a != b }
if the first element equals the second element, you might as well compare with the second element as well when you are at the third element, etc.
👏 2
How about for a good name?
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fun <T> Iterable<T>.allSameBy(
    transform: (T) -> Any,
): Boolean = asSequence()
    .all { (a, b) -> a == b }
🙌 1
Something less clever is fine too, I'd just use a raw iterator as a best-effort way to get a consistent result even in case of concurrent modification
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fun <T> Iterable<T>.allSameBy(
    transform: (T) -> Any,
): Boolean {
    val i = iterator()
    if (!i.hasNext()) return true
    val expected = transform(
    for (item in iterator) if (transform(item) != expected) return false
    return true
👍 1
I added a quick check for collection and checking if multiple items (since
) does a similar check
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fun <T> Iterable<T>.allSameBy(transform: (T) -> Any): Boolean {
    if (this is Collection && size < 2) return true
    return asSequence()
        .all { (a, b) -> a == b }
@ephemient couldn't that be simplified to:
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fun <T> Iterable<T>.allSameBy(
    transform: (T) -> Any,
): Boolean {
    val expected = transform(firstOrNull() ?: return true)
    return all { transform(it) == expected }
no, because you may end up with a non-consistent view of the collection
is consistent if you iterate it once, but if you're looking at first and all separately, they may not be consistent under mutation
👍 1
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fun <T> Iterable<T>.allSameBy(
    transform: (T) -> Any,
): Boolean {
    var expected: Any? = null
    return all {
        if (expected == null) {
            expected = transform(it)
            return@all true
        transform(it) == expected
if your transform never returns null, yes. need to handle the initial element specially (or use a private sentinel object) otherwise
no, lateinit requires non-null and also you can't detect if it's initialized or not in a local var
If the transform return type is
doesn't that mean it can't return null?
yes, that restricts it to nonnull returns
Can't seem to find a way to check if a lateinit variable (within function) is initialized
yes, that's what I said
Sorry, missed that bit. Ok, let's ditch the lateinit idea.
Just revisiting this:
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fun <T> Iterable<T>.allSameBy(transform: (T) -> Any): Boolean {
    // let's see if we can avoid creating the sequence
    if (this is Collection && size < 2) return true
    // return true iff 0 or 1 distinct transformed values
    // however, don't use count() because that will force iteration over entire iterable
    return this.asSequence().map(transform).distinct().drop(1).none()
1. checking size/isEmpty is ok as an optimization, but correctness should not depend on it - e.g. if a mutable collection changes between the size check and the following code, the result should still be consistent with at least one of the observable states of the collection. looks fine here, but 2. IMO the expectation is that all collections extensions are inlineable (allowing early returns etc., unless it's not reasonable, e.g.
which creates an intermediate data structure). so I would not use
as long as there's a better way. but your code, your preferences…
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inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.allSameBy(transform: (T) -> Any): Boolean {
    // let's see if we can avoid creating the iterator
    if (this is Collection && this.size < 2) {
        return true
    val iterator = this.iterator()
    if (!iterator.hasNext()) {
        return true
    val firstItemTransformed = transform(
    if (!iterator.hasNext()) {
        return true
    for (item in iterator) if (transform(item) != firstItemTransformed) return false
    return true
Pretty much what you wrote a month ago but with some extra checks