Hi, right now i'm trying to build a Design System/...
# getting-started
Hi, right now i'm trying to build a Design System/UI Package in Kotlin, and i didn't have too much experience of developing in Kotlin, so currently i would like to know if anyone has any resources where i can learn to build one. i have tried to search in many places but haven't found any resources that really match what i wanted to build. here i'll share the


of what i wanted to achieve, the Design System in the link was build in Flutter, but it only serves as reference so that you understand what i would like to achieve while developing the Design System in Kotlin(skip to 2:54). i'm sorry before if i referencing other programming language, but this is the only reference of Design System development that i could find.
https://github.com/androidx/androidx/tree/androidx-main/compose/material/material is a design system built in Kotlin. Your question is a bit vague. Do you want to build a whole new custom design system from scratch, including the design part of it? Or do you want to take an existing design system and implement it in Kotlin (or perhaps more specifically, Compose)?
i would like to build a whole new design system from scratch(i already had the Figma design file made before), this is due to my experience when developing in other project before, where i had to create the necessary basic styles and design in every project, thus spending more time for it. so i was thinking to develop a UI library/Design System Component in Kotlin, so the next time i need to develop in Kotlin, i could simply call it in the project gradle by using the
command. I think i have seen Compose being mentioned in a few resources, but i'm not sure whether it the same as Material Design System.
Compose is a toolkit for building UIs, and it gives you a lot of foundation pieces that you can build on top of. Material is a design system, and the link from my first reply is the specific implementation of that design system in Compose. You can also build a UI library on top of Java Swing, and do it in Kotlin. And of course, you can drop down all the way to just a blank canvas and implement a whole new toolkit from scratch.