Another question about constructor usage in data c...
# getting-started
Another question about constructor usage in data classes, is something like this possible without cycle error?
Copy code
data class ReasonItem private constructor(
    val reason: Reason,
    val notes: String?
) {
        reason: FooReason
    ) : this(reason, null)

        reason: BarReason,
        notes: String
    ) : this(reason, notes)
of course I could create separate *Item types too but..
maybe two subtypes makes more sense because getter is still nullable in both cases
reason as Reason
when you want to call the private constructor from the others. That said, it might be more interesting to use a sealed class which does or does not have the
property depending on the type
👍 1
Copy code
sealed class ReasonItem(open val reason: Reason)

data class FooReasonItem(
    override val reason: FooReason,
) : ReasonItem(reason)

data class BarReasonItem(
    override val reason: BarReason,
    val notes: String,
) : ReasonItem(reason)
Yeah, also thanks for the "reason as Reason" tip
Overloads are resolved statically at compile time based on the declared type of the variable, this is why the cast works
👍 1