Hi, is there a way to define private setter for pr...
# getting-started
Hi, is there a way to define private setter for property defined in constructor param? I need something like this, but because of
annotation constructor can not have parameter which is not property
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class Document(
    name: String,
) {
    var name: String = name
        private set
your class compiles for me and looks good. What fails?
kotlinx.serialization requires primary constructor to parameters to be properties. It compiles, but it won't serialize automatically.
not as far as I know, but you can
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class Document(
    private var _name: String,
) {
    val name: String
        get() = _name
this might work too,
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class Document private constructor(
) {
        name: String,
    ) : this(
    ) {
        this.name = name

    var name: String = ""
        private set
but unfortunately both do have some effect on the public API of your class