```fun main() { var newList1 = listOf(listOf(1...
# getting-started
Copy code
fun main() {
    var newList1 = listOf(listOf(1, "a", "b"), listOf(1, "a", "b"), listOf(1, "a", "b"))
    var newList = listOf(1, "b", "C" to newList1)
    var defaultList = listOf(1, "a", 'B' to newList)

    var a = defaultList[2]

	print(a::class.java.typeName)  //kotlin.Pair
I need to access "newList1" but i cant since "defaultList" is a Pair
how can i access via index or how can i construct to get this behaviour
I answered in the #server channel. Next time, please delete the posts to the wrong channels so that there is only one instance of your question.
👍 1