Hi, i am new to kotlin multiplatform. Started with...
# getting-started
Hi, i am new to kotlin multiplatform. Started with this sample Build a Full Stack Web App with Kotlin Multiplatform, and was able to get it running. However, when i tried to generate a test for the get method in the example in Server.kt, i see that the imports in the generated test do not get resolved. What dependencies do i need to add to build.gradle.kts to get this working? Would be nice to write tests along with the code. See screenshot that shows imports in red.
Did you enabled Testing while creating the project? It seems that some dependencies are missing...
It may not be the case in current versions but I had to explicity add the test lib in the relevant language
Copy code
val jsTest by getting {
            dependencies {
Thanks both. The project was downloaded from gitlab, so i guess i will try to recreate it from scratch. I will also try setting dependency for specific language.