Hey everyone, I am new and I have a question regar...
# getting-started
Hey everyone, I am new and I have a question regarding Google's new OS fucschia, How do you see Kotlin stacking up then? Google will try to push its own stuff like dart flutter golang etc isn't it? I am confused of Kotlin will make sense to put lot of effort?
Kotlin is Android’s official language, which Google maintains. It would make absolutely no sense for them to put massive amounts of work into something such as Compose and even Android itself for them to drop Kotlin. And even have a working relationship with JetBrains to add and improve Kotlin. Many many many more people have more experience with Kotlin then something like Flutter. And even if they were to make such an asinine decision to drop Kotlin with official support, someone will inevitably make a compiler that compiles down to something Fuschia can run. Either way, Fuschia is not even really close to being released and there are obviously many more android devices compared to Fuschia for obvious reason. So I wouldn't worry too much about Kotlin going anywhere.
Android apps run on Fuchsia don’t they?
I have no idea.
I’ve heard they do, but I have not seen for myself.
I think Fuschia runs on the nest display today as well
Android runs on Linux still
Install termux and run uname -a. It runs Linux 4.19.202 on my Pixel 5. The version varies by device, but it’s all Linux.
Either way, Fuchsia is supposed to be a desktop-like OS, so I would imagine there’ll be many options. I would be shocked if we didn’t get a JVM for Fuchsia soon after it (eventually?) releases, or even before then. And with the effort Google’s put into Android and the number of manufacturers, I don’t think Android’s going away any time soon.
It would make absolutely no sense for them to put massive amounts of work into something such as Compose and even Android itself for them to drop Kotlin.
To be fair, Google does have a history of product decisions that make absolutely no sense. Just look at what happened with all their chat applications. 😂
Not sure Fuchsia is supposed to be desktop-like. Although there was some screenshots at some point of maybe the early beginnings of a proof of concept. If anything was them possibly exploring a ChromeOS interface of the future. But anyways, I would think that even if there was no JVM there could be Kotlin Native for it?
A chat application and an OS are massively different things, but your point is definitely still valid.
☝️ 1
Thank you Landan, The reason why I have my doubts on Google is absolute control. As of now Google maintain ownership of Android and license to vendors who customize to their need such as samsung. Android is good but bigger game with IOT and seemless integration across devices like apple is not something that Android has been able to do. Microsoft and Samsung tried and i hear Google now have their own chip and OSs chrome and fucschia and hence i have my doubt. But anyway thank you for your response.
seemless integration across devices like apple is not something that Android has been able to do
Why so?
Also mobile market now bigger than desktop market, so it’s problem of desktop to integrate, not mobile
Hey Andrey, I meant that integration between devices in Android hasn't been that clean like in apple eco system. One part is too many variations as everyone running their own customised versions of Android to support their own portfolios better than competition. It's not just about desktop and mobile. It's about everything electronic from house hold smart devices to smart vehicles etc.
So how one more OS from Google will make integration better?
It’s about everything electronic from house hold smart devices to smart vehicles etc.
Smart devices rarely run Android, and for things like Android TV/Chromecast integration is kinda fine
and in any case those integrations do not require to run them on the same OS, they require standards of communication and proper implementations of those standards
Android is the most popular OS in the world (and in history), even Google be very careful with it, and will not kill it, I would say never until they exist, same as Microsoft with Windows
From what hear Fucschia will be the OS for Google. I mean from original topic Kotlin's current selling point is it's Google backing but if for any reason google pulls it back completely or reduce support in favour of its own then Kotlin can possibly have hard time.
Thank you so much everyone for your response. It helped me a lot to hear different opinions and views to understand better in multi dimensional way. Much appreciate.
from original topic Kotlin’s current selling point is it’s Google backing
Using Kotlin on Android years before it was official, never was the selling point for me, same as for many other projects, it was essentially community driven decision to support Kotlin officially Also Kotlin will stay as official language for Android, and as I say Android will go nowhere
for any reason google pulls it back completely or reduce support in favour of its own
It’s own what? Android also Google’s own
Possible but as of now it's not clear how trend will be once Google start pushing fucschia. Android may or may not exist as it's not in public knowledge what Google's long term plans are but since Google own chrome, Android and fucschia so it is also possible Google can make some tough calls. Nothing against Kotlin. I can only hope Android and Kotlin stays
once Google start pushing fucschia
We even don’t know will they start pushing, or pushing as what (to which market) Android already here and it here to stay for many years, it in better position than most of platforms and Kotlin in a better position than most of programming languages
Like i said it's unclear what Google's strategy will be. I am not sure about Kotlin position as such out side Android. I am sure it's a fantastic language like many others. But business models dictate many things as well. I am sure Kotlin has its own advantages and offering that will keep it in demand irrespective of Google .
Like i said it’s unclear what Google’s strategy will be
Exactly, and I really-really doubt that they harm the biggest OS in the world which they develop themselves I also doubt that there is “Google strategy” more like different teams has own products
Google will try to push its own stuff like dart flutter golang etc isn’t it
Yeah, and Android and Kotlin, you know, their stuff
My point is that you for some reason worry about some unclear rumors which even in theory will not do anything with Android for at least a few years (and Kotlin with it),
I am confused of Kotlin will make sense to put lot of effort?
If you want to develop for Android next few years, you (and anyone else) have not much alternative anyway
Actually Google acquired Android from different org but that's not the point. I want to agree with you that they would not harm but they can very well bring an alternative while continue licensing Android to other players like samsung, nokia etc. I will try to do some more research from my end and see if flutter is the way or Kotlin. But thank you for your valuable time and inputs.
Actually Google acquired Android from different org but that’s not the point
They acquired not Android from different org, they acquired org itself, and it was more than 15 years ago
but they can very well bring an alternative
They can do, but do you really think Google able to conquer mobile market for themselves without other manufacturers? Google probably not even in 1% of mobile device market share globally
flutter is the way or Kotlin
It’s not Kotlin vs Flutter, it’s native Android development vs Flutter. So you worry about Android, but don’t worry about some of Google teams side project which doesn’t has own platform at all?