I'm curious why does Kotlin create a class impleme...
# getting-started
I'm curious why does Kotlin create a class implementation instead of default methods when creating an interface with methods that have a body? (I now you can change that)
probably so it can support earlier versions of Java that don’t have default methods
It was not possible to do so with bytecode < JVM 8, so they had to do it another way. When compiling to bytecode 8+, you can now choose to use default methods (it might even be the default now). (remember the initial target was Android)
Ah okay thanks!
Android was not the initial target, I don't know why people think that.
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remember the initial target was Android
Not exactly. Kotlin existed for like, 7 years before Google adopted it for Android. Jetbrains created it initially for their own use, which at the time was on Java 6. Kotlin has always been a much bigger thing than just Android
https://blog.jetbrains.com/kotlin/2011/07/hello-world-2/ a bit of a retrospective around the time of 1.0
Ten years of Java development led us to feeling that our productivity at JetBrains could be improved significantly by using a modern JVM language alongside Java.
exactly, the connection with Android only came as the community started using it later, with Google picking it up after that
Fair enough, that was not quite correct. They did have to maintain compat with JDK < 8 even until recently because of Android though, while the rest could more easily upgrade to more recent JDKs
Do you need another compiler argument when using the compiler option -Xjvm-default=all? Because I get a "Inheritance from an interface with 'JvmDefault'...' error
because of Android though, while the rest could more easily upgrade to more recent JDKs It's not exactly correct either. Even server java was not completely java 8+, there is a bunch of older big projects which still using java 6, you can check any Java survey for the last 5 years. I agree, Android is a big factor later, but Android app a lot easier to migrate on Java 8 bytecode than a big enterprise server app, it supported for at least 4 years on d8
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