I have a very simple question. I have a kotlin mul...
# getting-started
I have a very simple question. I have a kotlin multiplatform gradle project. I use VS Code and the command line to run and build it. When I run
./gradlew --version
I get
Copy code
Gradle 6.8.1

Build time:   2021-01-22 13:20:08 UTC
Revision:     31f14a87d93945024ab7a78de84102a3400fa5b2

Kotlin:       1.4.20
Groovy:       2.5.12
Ant:          Apache Ant(TM) version 1.10.9 compiled on September 27 2020
JVM:          11.0.10 (JetBrains s.r.o. 11.0.10+0-b96-7249189)
OS:           Mac OS X 12.1 aarch64
Where does the Kotlin version
come from and how to I update that version? I don’t have that version specified anywhere in my project. In fact, I’m using
for kotlin-multiplatform. How do I set Kotlin to the same version? Thanks!
It is the Kotlin version used by Gradle itself (to support
build scripts, written in Kotlin). To update it, update gradle. Latest version is 7.4 at the moment I believe, 6.8.1 is quite old
Great, thank you!
But it is anyway totally unrelated to your production code Kotlin version, so you don't really need to care.