Hi everyone, I've got a Kotlin project (not Andro...
# getting-started
Hi everyone, I've got a Kotlin project (not Android) that involves many variables with user-specific values (e.g. username, password, time-table) I would like this data to be moved out of the code, and into a modifiable file. The goal is to make it easy for non-coders to modify values and use the program. What are my best bets here? (JSON / YAML / etc). And what library should I be using? Here's a link to the project: https://github.com/adizcode/ProxyMate
In the past I’ve gone with Gson and/or Moshi, Kotlin serialization is an option as well, I have no experience with it though. As for the decision between json/yaml, I usually make that decision based on whether there will be repeated values in the data or not. If there is a lot of repeated data, with yaml the user can use anchors and aliases to make that easier to maintain. Otherwise go with json.
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TOML is closer to plain text than JSON (less repeated quotes and braces and such) and has less footguns than YAML
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alternatively, if the config is simple… properties file?
Thank you for the responses. @Tim Oltjenbruns I don't actually know about properties files. Are they like .env files?
JVM-only, though it’d be easy enough to write a parser on another platform
This is great. I'll certainly read about using properties. Thanks :))
This excellent pure Kotlin config library together with YAML seems like a good option in my view: https://github.com/sksamuel/hoplite
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