hello, everyone I have a question about coroutine,...
# getting-started
hello, everyone I have a question about coroutine, in the demo from document, they launch 100,000 child coroutine, each of them delay 5 seconds, I understand delay is suspend function, and I read source code, it will use handler(android) to deal with time(5 seconds) but the question I got is, cpu only proceed the task in thread, once the delay function suspend, how does it wait for complete, in handler, queue, or just switch between threads? and what if i actually make 100,000 api request, does it perform as well?
Copy code
fun main() = runBlocking {
    repeat(100_000) { // launch a lot of coroutines
        launch {
It will run the
-ed code according to the
being used, with its own scheduling algorithms. Ultimately, every suspension point will go back to the Dispatcher and allow it a chance to suspend the code and allow other code to run while suspended, even in a single-threaded context (such as
, or the entire JS runtime environment). I don't know the specific scheduling algorithms used, because you shouldn't need to be thinking at that low of a level with coroutines. What's important is that
signifies that each block will run in parallel, and
is a non-blocking delay The only time a coroutine will be truly "blocked" is if your code is hogging the CPU and doesn't have any suspension points.
, regardless of the specific scheduling algorithm, does not block the thread, and will yield itself to allow other coroutines to run while it is still suspended. So that example will always take ~5 seconds to complete regardless of how many coroutines you have, because they're all running in parallel
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I see the point, does it means scheduling algorithms also in charge of calling resumeWith methods in proper time, and that is not a problem we should worry?
The coroutines machinery will take care of everything, you shouldn't really be thinking in terms of discrete threads, time-slices, working directly with continuations, etc. Those are really all just implementation details to the bigger picture that is Kotlin Coroutines. Whatever you are looking to achieve with coroutines, there is almost certainly a higher-level construct built on top of them that will accomplish your goals with more clarity and safety. For example, If you want to use a queue for processing work serially, use a
. Use
for processing/filtering/mapping events in a reactive stream like RxJava. Use
launch { }
to run multiple jobs in parallel, or
async { }.await()
if you want to run in parallel and then aggregate their results. tl;dr: coroutines are very deep and have a lot of little details, but the intention is that you can basically ignore all of that. Focus on learning the coroutines API surface, the stuff outlined here, because that's all you'll really need in a normal application. Those other constructs are there to allow one to build entirely new coroutines-based APIs (new patterns for concurrent/async work), but are not intended for everyday use.
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