Hey everyone :wave::skin-tone-2: I'm new to the co...
# getting-started
Hey everyone 👋🏻 I'm new to the community and would love some recommendations on resources to learn Kotlin. Any of your favorite books, courses, video series etc would be greatly appreciated!
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Hello @Josh Davis, welcome aboard. Check out this section of Kotlin documentation: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/learning-materials-overview.html
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the way I learned Kotlin: • Kotlin Koans • Kotlin in Action • very useful: the Kotlin Playground https://play.kotlinlang.org
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Read a book from your library. From my experience, books are much better in terms of quality that documentation.
Depends on how you like to learn. I found Kotlin Koans very helpful, and simply reading the Kotlin documentation front to back. That was 2-3 years ago, but I would expect the quality of the doco has only got better.