Looking for ideas on how to do this (or anything v...
# getting-started
Looking for ideas on how to do this (or anything vaguely similar) with less boilerplate:
Copy code
interface HasName {
  val name: String
  fun copy(name: String = name) // boilerplate (but only once)

data class Person(
  override val name: String,
  val age: Int
) : HasName {
  override fun copy(name: String = name) // boilerplate (in everything that extends HasName)

// Because I want to do this:
val named: HasName = Person(...)
named.copy(name = "newName")
I don't see an implementation for
anywhere. Is the implementation of that method supposed to be different in different implementations of
? What "boilerplate" are you trying to get rid of exactly?
Person already has a copy(name=) by virtue of being a data class. But I need to "re-" define it so that the interface can see it
(I understand why, just looking for other options)
I use a sealed interface and a extension
fun HasName.copy(...) = with (this) { is Person -> copy(...) }