I have a question about constructors in Kotlin. Le...
# getting-started
I have a question about constructors in Kotlin. Let's assume the following code:
Copy code
interface Base {
	val number: Int

class SomeClass: Base {
	override var number: Int
		private set
	init {
		number = 42

This results in an error: Property
must be initialized. I did not expect this as the documentation says that the code in the init block effectively becomes part of the primary constructor. There seems to be a workaround by changing the
block to:
Copy code
constructor() {
    number = 42
But that's something inspections don't like so much (secondary constructor should be converted to primary constructor). Is this intended behaviour?
Why is it val in the interface but var in the concrete class? Also, why do you need it to be mutable only privately, is it intentional?
This is a distilled down example. Clients code against the interface
and that provides only read only access. Internally, there can be setters for properties as well (as in my example here)
I see thanks
And: Kotlin is fine with the code if the implementation class also declares the property as
(in combination with an
yeah I tried that locally, so that’s why I asked if it was necessary to have it var but with private setter 🙂
Yes, it is necessary.
Copy code
override var number: Int = 42
    private set
is it not possible to initialize normally?
💡 1
The value was generated dynamically in the constructor of the class. In this case by reading environment variables.
in that case you still have an ugly workaround,
Copy code
override var number: Int = 0
    private set
init {
    number = 42
oh, another option is
Copy code
final override var number: Int
    private set
init {
    number = 42
essentially, Kotlin does not want the uninitialized backing field to ever be observable, but if the property is open, then that can't be guaranteed
so it either must be initialized in a way that doesn't go through an overridable setter (e.g.
override var number: Int = 42
initializes the field directly), or the setter must not be overridable (as a subclass could then observe the uninitialized state)
although I do see an argument that this being confusing given that the class itself is not open, but that's a different issue…
I think, my issue with this is, that Kotlin seems to be fine if the property is initialized in a secondary constructor but not in an
init blocks are run along with property initialization in declared order, whereas a constructor is run last, after super constructor has been called
👍 1
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