Hey all! Thanks for having me here. I’m just st...
# getting-started
Hey all! Thanks for having me here. I’m just starting to learn Kotlin, after mainly working with Ruby and Elixir in recent years. If anyone has any tips or good resources feel free to share them. Thank you. 🙇
Honestly I'd start with the official doc, it contains lots of useful things
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I’ve just started working through the Kotlin Koans in IntelliJ.
• the koans are nice. • I learned Kotlin from "Kotlin in Action" which I still recomend even if it's based on Kotlin 1.3 (e.g. no coroutines, value classes yet) • The Kotlin Playground is useful https://play.kotlinlang.org • if you want to code a web app with Spring and Kotlin https://spring.io/guides/tutorials/spring-boot-kotlin/ • or if you want a server app and be as kotliny as possible, check out Ktor https://ktor.io/
• the officiel Kotlin Blog is here: https://blog.jetbrains.com/kotlin/ • and more news here in kotlin slack in the
Thanks for the recommendations, Stephan! 🙇
I did the same thing a year ago (coming from a Ruby background), I would recommend raywenderlich.com also as I am more of a practice first guy - I tried to complete the advent of code in Kotlin (which helped me a lot as I already had programming background)
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Hi @Philip Hagen this is a great place to learn complicated Kotlin concepts https://typealias.com/
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Thank you everyone.