Does Kotlin's LinkedHashMap use reference identity...
# getting-started
Does Kotlin's LinkedHashMap use reference identity or equals() in its
method? I have two different objects with the same values, and an overridden equals method which returns true. But as a key to hashmap, they don't match.
Have you also overridden
accordingly? 2 equal objects must have the same hashcode, that's the contract between both methods. Hashmaps rely on this by first checking hashcode and then using equals when searching for keys
... suddenly I feel dumb. Be right back!
I've been a professional Java dev for about 10 years but now I'm just a manager. Clearly I'm forgetting the basics!
😆 2
👏 1
Note that if you use Kotlin's data classes, they will have autogenerated hashcode and equals based on the properties declared in the primary constructor. It's usually easier this way
Yes, absolutely, but I needed to exclude something from equality checks in this case.
Then it may depend on your exact case, but just in case, you can exclude properties from the generated `equals`/`hashCode` if you declare them outside of the primary constructor (directly in the data class's body)
e I think I'd be ok with a change to the language to allow
or some other annotation to exclude a property from the auto-generated equals and hashCode (but that's clearly not what we have now)