Hello everyone I have a data class ``` import kotl...
# getting-started
Hello everyone I have a data class
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import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable

data class MessageModel (val senderId : String, val channelId : String, val id : String, val contents : String, val date : Long)
And when I do this inside my (this is a multiplatform project) web app
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console.log(message.date::class.simpleName )
The result is
!! What is happening here? It's causing me runtime errors, as I need a long. This MessageModel I receive from my backend and the value of the date is epoch milis, and the value is
this is interpreted as double. But if I don't use the value of
and instead just directly input
it works, meaning the value isn't the issue, but for some reason when serializing it becomes a double? Not sure where to ask this, is this Multiplatform issue, Kotlin general issue?
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const val kotlin = "1.6.10"
    const val kotlinxSerialization = "1.3.2"
@ephemient thanks, was looking for the issue But wait, this is about rounding, while I am getting an incorrect type serialized. Is this the same issue?
yes, long is being rounded into double representation
Oh, that's weird. Can't wait for the fix
also note that Kotlin/JS uses the JS number type so it doesn't really have a distinction between integer and floating types (it tries, but except for Long, it's a compile time thing only)