Lets say I have a factory that retrieves an instan...
# getting-started
Lets say I have a factory that retrieves an instance of a model based on a reference. Lets say I have a bunch of values I need to either: Store into a new class if its reference does not exist, or modify on an existing one if it does exist. Now I need to constantly redeclare the mandatory fields in every single one of my models.
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fun main(){
    val f1: Int = 3
    val f2: String = "foo"
    val f3: Double = 23.2
    val f4: String = "bar"
    val f5: String? = "rez"
    val f6: String? = null

    val model = DBModelRepository.getByField1(f1)
        ?.apply {
            field2 = f2     //need to doubly write all these mandatory fields
            field3 = f3     //
            field4 = f4     //
        } ?: DBModel(
            field1 = f1,    //
            field2 = f2,    //
            field3 = f3,    //
            field4 = f4,    //can become a big hassle when its 15+ fields
    model.apply {
        field5 = f5         //I can at least save a bit of hassle by doing the optional fields after both cases
        field6 = f6

class DBModel(
    val field1: Int,
    var field2: String,
    var field3: Double,
    var field4: String,
    var field5: String? = null,
    var field6: String? = null

object DBModelRepository{
    fun getByField1(field1: Int) : DBModel? {
    fun save(dbMobel: DBModel){}
Now is this a relatively "small example" with 4 fields, but we're working with a lot of pretty big models. Sometimes its a bit harder than just "updating" a model like the example and we need to redo this logic in other places. Is there a better way to do this?
Hi @Michael de Kaste, kindly refer to following code, i think it fits your requirement, i'm using Object Declaration on DBModel, based on the example below i hope you can see and understand how to optimize your code,Hope this helps
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fun main(){

    val model = DBModelRepository.getByField1(DBModel.field1)
        ?.apply {
                //need to doubly write all these mandatory fields
            DBModel.field3=23.2    //
            DBModel.field4="bar"     //

    model.apply {
                //I can at least save a bit of hassle by doing the optional fields after both cases


object DBModel{
    var field1: Int=0
    var field2: String=""
    var field3: Double=0.0
    var field4: String=""
    var field5: String? = null
    var field6: String? = null

object DBModelRepository{
    fun getByField1(field1: Int) : DBModel {
    fun save(dbMobel: DBModel){}
The following portion i omitted it as i'm not certain what its for
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?: DBModel(
            field1 = f1,    //
            field2 = f2,    //
            field3 = f3,    //
            field4 = f4,    //can become a big hassle when its 15+ fields
So now you only have to create a skeleton using the Object declaration and you can use it through your code without having to repeat declaring the models
Basic values of the database model are not a thing. The String, Int, etc. Fields are examples, but should never be filled with a basic value, because thats not an accepted value. The types ares more complex, and cant be prefilled.
Could you show an example of what those complex type looks like?
This looks like a variation of the SQL "upsert" issue: either insert or update a row. I think what i would try is to always first create a new object and then have a
fun DBModel?.merge(update: DBModel)
method. This IMHO makes the code more readable even if you don't have multiple "upsert" calls for the same model.
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val model = DBModelRepository.getByField1(f1).merge(
            field1 = f1,
            field2 = f2,
            field3 = f3,
            field4 = f4,
            field5 = f5,
            field6 = f6,

fun DBModel?.merge(update: DBModel) = this?.apply {
    field2 = update.field2
    field3 = update.field3
    field4 = update.field4
    field5 = update.field5
    field6 = update.field6
} ?: update