Does anyone have any advice on printing documents ...
# getting-started
Does anyone have any advice on printing documents from a kotlin desktop app? I need to be able to create printable documents from database data. I've looked at PDFBox (create PDF's that can later be printed) but I really want a clean idiomatic kotlin way of doing it?
pretty sure there is no Kotlin “idiomatic” way here 🙂 good old Java AWT could help:
another way could be some IPP lib, there are Kotlin implementations, for example:
i'm using tornadofx so I'm thinking it might be possible to implement this
should also work, don’t know details of your use case, but it seems IPP is the most universal solution, since you’ve mentioned you need to print random documents
well the documents would be created from my app. If I can avoid that intermediate step by just printing the data straight from javafx that seems a better solution, provided I can get it to scale correctly to a sheet of paper.
Getting the data to fit correctly on a page is exactly what "creating a document" means. It's basically just taking data and associating layout information with it.
unless I am missing something it seems ipp needs a formatted document to process for printing. One of the issues I am having is figuring out a way to get the data formatted to a printable document.