How can I add element in specified index and if th...
# getting-started
How can I add element in specified index and if the index exist element, replace it.
Copy code
val list = mutableListOf<String>()

list.add(0, "a")
list.add(0, "b")

list.toString() // except [b], actual [b, a]
use list[0] = “b”
it’s the same as list.set(0, “b”)
How about the
? If call list[0] = “a” will cause exception
Is there a convenient way for each insert without check the list
What is your use case? I’m just not quite sure what if you real life example for this
If you just need a function which does ” add element in specified index and if the index exist element, replace it.“, there is no such function in stdlib, it’s probably better just to create own extension for this
🙆‍♂️ 1
Still curious about your use case for this
I need to show the list data according to its index and the user can add data into the list. first, the list is empty. User can only inset to 0 index then, user can choose to insert data to the end or selected the data that insert early and replace its value.
But insert is not replace
or selected the data that insert early and replace its value.
I think no need to overthink this, it’s just easy to check if there is item and set it
ok ty 😀
I was affect by the SQL
Problem that there is no built-in transaction on list unlike database, checking for “contains” is a separate operation from add/set, so it cannot be done in a safe way under the hood of the list, only for thread safe list implementations, which are not used by default, because of performance penalty
🙆‍♂️ 1