Hey, is there a way to generally reference the val...
# getting-started
Hey, is there a way to generally reference the value inside a value class? I'm trying to use type-safe database ids, and therefore I need a column adapter
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class BusinessMessageIdColumnAdapter : ColumnAdapter<BusinessMessageId, String> {
    override fun decode(databaseValue: String): BusinessMessageId = BusinessMessageId(databaseValue)
    override fun encode(value: BusinessMessageId): String = value.value
for every type of id, which is annoying I know I could get it via reflection, but .. probably looking for a "hack" like this (the enumValues function)
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@Suppress("FunctionName") // Emulating a constructor.
inline fun <reified T : Enum<T>> EnumColumnAdapter(): EnumColumnAdapter<T> {
  return EnumColumnAdapter(enumValues())
on JVM you can do
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class EnumColumnAdapter<T : Enum<T>>(private val javaClass: Class<T>) {
    fun decode(databaseValue: String): T = java.lang.Enum.valueOf(javaClass, databaseValue)
    fun encode(value: T): String = value.name

EnumColumnAdapter(BusinessMessageId::class.java) // etc.
on all platforms you can do
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class EnumColumnAdapter<T : Enum<T>> @PublishedApi internal constructor(
    private val valuesByName: Map<String, T>
) {
    fun decode(databaseValue: String): T = valuesByName.getValue(databaseValue)
    fun encode(value: T): String = value.name

inline fun <reified T : Enum<T>> EnumColumnAdapter(): EnumColumnAdapter<T> =
    EnumColumnAdapter(valuesByName = enumValues<T>().associateBy { it.name })

EnumColumnAdapter<BusinessMessageId>() // etc.
you can't make a inline reified constructor, but you can make a constructor-like function
We made all our typesafe strings extend a single StringMicrotype class, and made a single StringMicrotype ColumnAdapter that'll work for all of them. It does mean introducing some class hierarchy which might feel a bit artificial, and a separate adapter for each type of data required. Might work for you though!
how do you instantiate it back from string if the adapter only sees the StringMicrotype base class? like @ephemient did?
@ephemient I dont think I follow, the id is not enum, or r u hijacking it somehow?
how do you instantiate it back from string
could you give me an example, please?
well how do you instantiate BusinessMessageId from string generically, if presume you BusinessMessageId : StringMicrotype and the adapter has a StringMicrotype parameter
I assumed BusinessMessageId was an enum
when used genetically a value class is just a normal class
so you could build something like
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class ColumnAdapter<T>(
    private val encode: (String) -> T,
    private val decode: (T) -> String,

    encode = ::BusinessMessageId,
    decode = BusinessMessageId::value,
but you can't get a
constructor for a generic type
, so that's about as far as you can go
yea I wanted to get typeinference like in the enumcolumnadapter, shame
Sorry, I was being daft - our StringMicrotypeColumnType is abstract, we have separate column classes, each like
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class EmailAddressColumnType : StringMicrotypeColumnType<EmailAddress>() {
    override fun fromString(s: String) = EmailAddress(s)
A decent bit of logic is still shared, but not as neat as you're after
with some horrible reflection,
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value class Id(val value: String)

val converter = Converter<Id>()
println(converter.encode(Id("Hello, ")) + converter.decode("world!"))
// => Hello, Id(value=world!)
note that the value-ness of
doesn't come into play at all: when generic, you're dealing with the class
, not the underlying
representation, just like how
<T : Int>
is also always boxed
thank you