can anyone point me to how to use the `Deprecated`...
# getting-started
can anyone point me to how to use the
when the argument is a receiver function type?
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fun factory(initializer: Builder.() -> Unit): Type = Builder().apply(initializer).build()
it keeps bringing in the deprecated builder even when i have added the imports argument to
Could you please show an example of what you want the users to use instead of the function?
I really just want to do a package move, so same name, args, return, etc
same thing with extension functions too, i just want them to move to a different package
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public fun URI.modified(): URI = URI(this.toString() + "/example")
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fun main() {
// stays the same but the import should change
val modified = URI("<example://ex>").modified()
Oh sorry I missed your messages, for the extension function you can use
in the replacement string:
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package com.example.somepackage

    message = "",
    replaceWith = ReplaceWith("this.modified()", imports = ["com.example.otherpackage.modified"]),
fun URI.modified(): URI = URI(this.toString() + "/example")
And for the initial function you can use:
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    message = "",
    replaceWith = ReplaceWith("factory(initializer)", imports = ["com.example.otherpackage.factory"]),
fun factory(initializer: Builder.() -> Unit): MyType = Builder().apply(initializer).build()
All of this is of course assuming the same function exists in another package
awesome thank you! i'll try on monday and let you know how it goes!
👍 1
this doesn't work if anyone checks this thread FYI
🤔 1
So FYI the
in this case does work, but it transforms the lambda into an anonymous function. Not very beautiful, but at least the code is correct.