given this: `public fun <T> myFun(vararg ar...
# getting-started
given this:
public fun <T> myFun(vararg arg: T) where T : MyClass, T : MyInterface
how can i create collection<T> (outside this function)? what i should achieve is:
val x: Set<T> = setOf(a, b)
or like
val x: Set<MyClass & MyInterface> = setOf(a, b)
if i remove the explicit type it works, but i need it for a function return type (type inference errors)
Intersection types are not denotable in Kotlin, even though they exist in the type system. Hopefully that will change someday.
like Ruckus said, your code basically works: But and-ing types with
, like in`Set<MyClass & MyInterface>`, doesn't exists. I was already surprised that I could double specify it for the generic function argument 😅
• open class A • interface C • val <T> T.value:Set<T> where TA,TC get()=setOf(this)