Question: How to check certain combinations of inp...
# getting-started
Question: How to check certain combinations of inputs in Kotlin I have a data class as below:
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data class foo(
  val a: T?,
  val b: U?,
  val c: V?,
  val d: X?
This is sent as an arg to a function
bar(val foo: Foo)
Now in this function
, I want to allow only certain combinations of foo's members e.g.
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  // If a is input, nothing else is allowed
  if(b!=null || c!=null || d!= null) throw Exception()
  // If b is input, nothing else is allowed
  if(a!=null || c!=null || d!= null) throw Exception()
 // If c is input, d is allowed, a and b not allowed
   if(a!=null || b!=null ) throw Exception()
Obviously, more the args, the worse it gets. What is a cleaner way of doing this?
If these constraints are generally applicable (not only in
), the best way would be IMO to redesign the
class so only "correct" instances can be created in the first place. Maybe you want a
sealed class
instead to express the different valid combinations of parameters:
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sealed class Foo {
    data class OnlyA(val a: T): Foo()
    data class OnlyB(val b: U): Foo()
    data class CAndMaybeD(val c: V, val d: X?): Foo()
Then you just have to check which case you are in using a much simpler
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fun bar(foo: Foo) {
    when(foo) {
        is Foo.OnlyA -> // do something with foo.a
        is Foo.OnlyB -> // do something with foo.b
        is Foo.CAndMaybeD -> // do something with foo.c and foo.d (d can be null)
Smart cast will automatically make the correct properties available on
The above very nice but of course only relevant if these allowed combinations of fields are globally applicable. If these constraints are only true within
, you could use:
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require(condition) { "failure message" }
Instead of:
Copy code
if (condition) {
    throw IllegalArgumentException("failure message")
However, if you're in this case, I'd really like to know your real-life use case, because checking a lot of properties this way seems fishy
Thanks for the suggestions @Joffrey!