this is probably stupid, but I am not sure how to ...
# getting-started
this is probably stupid, but I am not sure how to find an answer. in spring, there is a file defining:
Copy code
fun MockMvc.get(urlTemplate: String, vararg vars: Any?, dsl: MockHttpServletRequestDsl.() -> Unit = {})
I defined my own version
Copy code
fun MockMvc.get(urlTemplate: String, vararg vars: Any?, subject: Subject = WithMockUser.defaultUser, dsl: MockHttpServletRequestDsl.() -> Unit = {})
in a test, by mistake, I imported both extension function, but when doing
the first one got called. I am curious, how is the order defined in this case? I thought it could be the order of imports, but I tried both combination and the result did not change:
Copy code
import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.get
import my.own.get
Copy code
import my.own.get
import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.get
made no difference
Not sure what the order is, but a solution is to use import aliases (
import ... as ...
Import order doesn't have an impact on this. Resolution is done only based on the signature. In your case, most likely the one with less parameters is chosen.
I thought about the shorter signature, just could not find confirmation.
and yes, I am using
, but in this case I imported the wrong extension and did not realize it