I want to bring kotlin support to a java library w...
# getting-started
I want to bring kotlin support to a java library without adding kotlin to it. What I want is to make a sealed class. Is there any kind of meta data or naming conventions I can use to make my classes work as a sealed class when consumed by kotlin?
nope 1
sealed classes
are a Kotlin feature, so you can't at the moment. I think Kotlin might soon support the new "permitted subsclasses" JVM feature that was added in Java 15: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-41214 But at the moment I don't believe it's possible to do what you want
How does the compiler know though after the kotlin class is converted to bytecode?? There has got to be some kind of metadata or naming convention. When I reverse compile a sealed class I see the java structure needed. But the metadata is byte strings not sure how they are generated, and there may be a naming convention as well.
Kotlin serializes extra info that cannot be expressed in bytecode to both the
annotation as well as a
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the kotlinx.metadata.jvm library can read and write those, but it's definitely not intended to be a public interface
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in practice the metadata is partly a shared constant pool and partly a serialized protobuf
it's not something you can write by hand and add to a Java class
Interesting… I think I follow your github profile, your looks familiar. I think you had some great advent of code solutions 🙂
🙏 1