What would be the equivalent in Java of `Array<...
# getting-started
What would be the equivalent in Java of
? I'm trying to store a 2D matrix of ints/floats in a compact way, would this Array of IntArrays be the way to go? Would that be equivalent to
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If you want to be equivalent, yes that's what this is. However, if accesses to this structure are performance sensitive, you might want to consider a 1-dimensional int array instead (using
i * width + j
indexing to map to 2D). This avoids pointer indirections
yeah, I think I misunderstood how Java lays out
in memory - it's not a one continuous chunk of memory, it's array of pointers to arrays with continous memory?
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I thought Java did something Kotlin can't... actually, Java doesn't do it as well (probably will with Valhalla)
I think I'll try going with a one large
array and do the indexing myself...
Yes exactly, Java and Kotlin have the same capabilities in this respect, you have to manually handle your 1D array if you want contiguous memory
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Just saying, you can very easily create a
@JvmInline value class 2DIntArray
that under the hood uses a normal
and lays out the 2d matrix in a continuous block of memory so that it's still efficient but all the indexing for getting and setting are hidden away in the value class
Of course the smart indexing needs to be abstracted away
Yeah I'm just saying that a value class will make that invisible to any consumer of the array
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just a little hint on the side: you could write an extension for the get-operator function on
(or some wrapper class if you prefer) that accepts 2 parameters. Of course this would require you to know the "width" of your matrix, but it could look something like this:
Copy code
operator fun IntArray.get(x: Int, y: Int) = get(y * width + x)
That way you could call
my2DArray[x, y]
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