I have a mutableMap and two functions the queue fu...
# getting-started
I have a mutableMap and two functions the queue function is getting called from different origins. But somehow the map is always empty if I modify it in these functions? Code:
Copy code
val buckets = mutableMapOf<String, RestClient.Bucket>()

suspend fun queue(endpoint: String, task: suspend () -> HttpResponse): HttpResponse {
     println(buckets.size) //always 0
     send(endpoint, task)

private suspend fun send(endpoint: String, task: suspend () -> HttpResponse): HttpResponse {
     buckets[endpoint] = bucket
     println(buckets.size) //always one
is not safe to mutate from multiple threads without some form of synchronization
yes I also though something like that but I haven't found a working thread safe hashmap
(kotlin multiplatform)
Ah, yea i’m not aware of any multiplatform threadsafe implementations. You could use a mutex or something, not sure if there are multi-platform impls of that either. Another approach would be an immutable map with atomicfu.
not having threadsafe implementations in multiplatform might be due to the old memory manager in native?!? So maybe this changes soon-ish after the new memory manager goes live?? Kotlin 1.6, which might be release around the end of october, will at least contain a preview of that new memory manager. more on this see: https://blog.jetbrains.com/kotlin/2021/08/try-the-new-kotlin-native-memory-manager-development-preview/