i have 2 questions what is difference between .toS...
# getting-started
i have 2 questions what is difference between .toString and as String second question is: can we do both upcasting and downcasting with as keyword?
is a conversion, whereas
as String
is a cast (it doesn't convert, it falls if the receiver is not a
You can cast however you want with
, but that doesn't mean the cast will always succeed.
@Ruckus There is an error in android studio this cast never succeed.If we try unrelated cast.
i am asking which casts can succed always
up to down and down to up can work always?
I think you are misunderstanding what casting is. Casting doesn't change the receiver, it just tells the compiler "hey, you may not know it, but this thing is definitely a [whatever you're casting to], so treat it as such." The error is the compiler telling you "I see what you're saying, but I can guarantee there is no possible way this thing is really a [whatever you're casting to], so this cat will always fall."
Casting to a super type will always work, but casting to a sub type will only work if it is that type.
can we cast from "any" class to everything
You can, but that doesn't mean the cast will succeed.
Copy code
val x: Any = 5
x as String  // falls, x is an Int, not a String
ok.I see it is so clear now.Thank you
Lastly is casting more efficient than conversion? ı heard that but i wanted to be sure
They're two different things with different purposes. It doesn't make sense to ask which is more efficient. Which one you use depends on what you're trying to do.