Hi, is it possible to have a default value for a g...
# getting-started
Hi, is it possible to have a default value for a generic type of a class ? Like that code in TypeScript :
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class Test<T = string> {
    readonly thing: T

const a = new Test() // this works
const b = new Test<number>() // this too
Hi, unfortunately it looks like this hasn't been implemented yet. I'd love to see something like this feature though!
😕 1
If you are saying
can be a subclass of
you could do
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class Test<T : String> {}
It looks like they’re wanting to omit the <> entirely and have the default implication be that it’s a string, but also support other things explicitly such as Number
Could you not do fun Test() = Test<String>()
blob open mouth 1
with constructor arg or not https://pl.kotl.in/mJLv3yyUg Though with the lateinit var has to have a non nullable value and also isn’t read only. However since the example didn’t have a constructor argument I wasn’t sure what the intended use was
If you’re using a constructor argument then the type may not even be necessary to specify explicitly https://pl.kotl.in/pfl7VDG97
This is nice thanks ! Also is there a workaround for interfaces (with also a generic type an some properties that have that type) ?
Typealiases can do this:
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class Test<T> { }
typealias DefaultTest = Test<String>
Not an ideal solution but the closest you can get until we have native support for this in the language.
👍 1