Hi, I was trying to experiment a way to intersect ...
# getting-started
Hi, I was trying to experiment a way to intersect two series in Kotlin efficiently. I have my Range class (similar to Kotlin in a way) defined as
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data class Range(
    val start: Int,
    var steps: Int,
    var repeat: Int
In practice a Range(2, 2, 5) represents the following sequence:
2, 4, 6, 8, 10
Now I want to write a function
intersect(other: Sequence): Sequence
that given 2 sequences is able to intersect them. Now I’m aware that I can go into the Kotlin ranges and/or build an array and do intersect on them. However what I was trying to do is to find a more efficient (constant) solution just using math. So I came up with this implementation
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data class Range(
    val start: Int,
    var steps: Int,
    var repeat: Int
) {

    fun intersect(other: Range): Range {
        val delta = leastCommonMultiple(steps, other.steps)
        val maxStart = max(start, other.start)
        val minStart = min(start, other.start)
        val start = minStart + (delta * ((maxStart - minStart + delta - 1)/delta)) //this is wrong
        val repeat = stepsTo(maxStart, delta, min(getLast(), other.getLast()))

        return Range(

    private fun stepsTo(start: Int, delta: Int, target: Int): Int {
        return  (target - start + delta - 1)/delta

    private fun greatestCommonDivisor(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
        return if (a == 0) b else greatestCommonDivisor(b % a, a)

    private fun leastCommonMultiple(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
        return a / greatestCommonDivisor(a, b) * b

    private fun getLast() =
        start + steps * (repeat - 1)
But still the way start is calculated is wrong since it doesn’t place the number in the sequence.. I wonder if anyone has solved this problem already and in case you have any suggestion?
I tink your
is wrong. If you have two sequences, with steps say 2 and 3, then they might intersect with step 6 (least common multiple), no? Then it should be just about finding the first intersection. Also, it is possible that 2 ranges does not intersect at all.
yeah the non intersecting sequence was my next step 😊 I'm assuming (for now) that the sequences will always intersect and in case they don't I'd just return an null sequence
however you’re right about LCM, I’ve updated the snippet
You could also use two list then use the List#intersect method :)