I’d like to walk in 2 loops over 0 to half of stri...
# getting-started
I’d like to walk in 2 loops over 0 to half of string and then end of string back to half, this doesn’t look like the way to do it
Copy code
for (i in 0 until halfIndex) {
                for (j in s.length downTo halfIndex) {
                    println("i: ${s[i]} j: ${s[j]}")
halfIndex is
s.length / 2
let’s say 5 for example, so the first loop from
0 to 5
and the second from
11 to 5
for j in s.lastIndex downTo halfIndex
Also, do you want to nest them or run the loops after one another
I want to be testing forwards and backwards at the same time with halfIndex being the stopper
yea not nesting
Then you should move the second for loop outside of the first for loop
well, you immediately have a OOBE on
because j = s.length initially
if you want to traverse front-to-back and back-to-front in lockstep, consider
Copy code
for (i in 0 until halfIndex) {
    val j = s.lastIndex - i
    println("${s[i]} ${s[j]}")
or maybe
Copy code
val forward = s.listIterator()
val backward = s.listIterator(s.size)
while (forward.nextIndex() < backward.previousIndex()) {
    println("${forward.next()} ${backward.previous()}")
listIterator only works on List (as the name implies), so that second one is not useful on String
@ephemient I believe your solution won't work for a list/string with odd number of items.
@Sourabh Rawat depends on what you want to happen with the middle element. what I wrote will skip it, just as @oday's original
0 until halfIndex
would, but it's a simple tweak to include it
The original code won't skip it. The second loop will take it. Although it's start condition should be
the code "as written" won't take it because it crashes first. the code "as described" ("testing forwards and backwards at the same time") won't take it either, if it's using a
0 until halfIndex
the code is not what OP wants. That is true and already agreed upon. If you were to fix the
thing, then the second loop (correct ver. -
s.lastIndex downTo halfIndex
) will take the middle element.
not if it's also using
0 until halfIndex
and stepping both in parallel:
(0 until halfIndex).zip(lastIndex downTo lastIndex)
will exclude the middle element if odd
this is what I wanted
Copy code
var j = final.lastIndex

            for (i in final.indices) {
                if (final[i] != final[j]) {
                    return false
                } else {
comparing first and last, second and last - 1, etc. no need for halfIndex turns out, wanted to check for palindrome in a certain way
typical example of https://xyproblem.info/, it seems, for future references.
except the solution is in the understanding of the problem
in that case you don't need to keep track of `j`; that would be equivalent to a tweak to what I wrote with just minor adjustments,
Copy code
for (i in final.indices) {
    if (final[i] != final[final.lastIndex - i]) {
        return false
if performance isn't a concern, that could be more succinctly represented with
Copy code
final.zip(final.reversed()) { a, b ->
    if (a != b) {
        return false
thanks again
Note that your solution does twice the work that would be necessary to check that a string is a palindrome, because i and j cross each other and then continue to the end, instead of stopping and returning true when they meet half way.